September 2021

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.  Gal.6,9

Dear Mission Friends!

It takes courage in a country where one is no longer welcome as a Christian, and the good deeds towards socially disadvantaged people are looked at with suspicion. The right to religious freedom is trampled underfoot and Christian works are being ripped off by excessive regulations. But we are convinced that God is greater and, with divine wisdom, doors and ways open to continue working because people need love, care and acceptance in an environment of discrimination, poverty, fear and exploitation.


She came to us at the children's home because she was found abandoned in a hospital when she was about 8 years old. Last year the youth welfare office demanded that she be taken to a state girls' home. There the children were kept like in a prison. After many prayers and the grace of God, it was possible for us to get her back at the age of 18, back to her only home that she knows and loves - Sharonsthan. Although she is still far behind in school, she found new interests and skills and she is now learning to tailor.


“I serve with my family in a locality in central India. We are incredibly grateful for the immediate help. On April 21st, my wife got seriously ill with Corona. However, there was no place for them in the crowded hospital. At home she could hardly breathe and needed oxygen, which could only be obtained at high cost. She was ventilated for 10 days. We were deeply relieved and forever grateful that the relief fund made everything possible and that my wife was restored. Thank you for standing with us in the time of need. "


As the wife of a police officer, she was often alone looking for the truth because her religion had no answers. After she found Christ through the church in Agra, she brought more relatives to the faith and opened her home for a cell group. Sister Prem remained loyal, built a larger room on the 2nd floor, and resisted any attack on God's work by neighbors. Often the gospel was proclaimed from their roof top. Years later, a branch church was established in her home, led by one of our Bible School graduates. In August, Sr. Prem was allowed to go to her heavenly home, finishing her race as a strong, victorious witness for the Lord.

Investing in Children

The time has finally come - the daycare centre in Sharonsthan, Agra, is open. 20 new children, who have little chance for proper education due to poverty, found their way to us through the efforts of our staff in order to receive needed support for school through a day programme. With enthusiasm and good preparation by the project leaders, they receive care for mind, soul and body. Also at our centre in Delhi, the project has re-started again for the 40 slum children after the enforced break. It feels so good to be able to invest time, love and help in these helpless and yet so valuable people.


Gloeckner‘s Update

A first wedding - Manuel marries Sina. A new season has started - a son raised for 25 years to become a responsible man and husband. Thank you to all friends for your support in prayer and friendship. It was a very emotional time of wedding celebration, but ever so wonderful.

India calls, and after 2 years we can finally visit again work and family in India. From 13 Sept.  to 23.Oct. we would like to visit as many of them as possible and encourage them with input, blessings and our personal presence. There is a lot waiting for us


Actively participating & praying

Become part of the mission family. Your donation or sponsorship is a good investment.

Children in the Agra day care centre in waiting for a scholarship to go to school.

Ø  Support one church planter during this time of crisis - the family & the church.

Ø  Donation for the expansion of the Bible school facilities.

Ø  Spread the news - tell a friend about this mission and pass on our flyer.

Thank you for taking your time to read lines. You are a valuable partner in our India Mission. We stand together in prayer and support that there will be plenty of fruit.

We love you.

Ralph and Renuka Gloeckner

You may follow us on YouTube-channel: Rays of Joy Ministries (English-Hindi)

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