The word church in the Bible comes from the Greek word ecclesia, which means a called out company or assembly. Wherever it is used in the Bible it refers to people and at New Life Church, that is what we are about: people.
We have a small core staff who are in turn supported by a larger group of wonderful volunteers and trustees. Together, as one team, we help serve our communities in Alfreton, Chesterfield and Clay Cross.
Church Elders
Martyn Rowe (Alfreton) & David Bunting (Chesterfield)
(Peter Topliss has recently stepped down as an elder in the church but continues to serve in preaching and teaching)
Trustee board
Martyn Rowe, David Bunting, Joy Spencer, Violet Christopher, John Wilcoxson, Eric Nicholas
“How wonderful, how beautiful, when brothers and sisters get along!”
We have a vacancy for an Elder/Pastor of New Life Church which will be a paid position either full time or part time.
I would love to chat with anyone who is interested over the phone and make arrangements to meet or you could email me at
Dave Bunting
07583 896041
Eldership job description
Detailed below are the roles covered by the current elders/leaders. However we do realise:
1. Though the responsibility stays with the leader much can be delegated, we are not looking for a one man band.
2. In regards to the structures, departmental leadership they are all in place
3. We realise a new leader may have different strategies in building the Church and advancing the Kingdom.
Elder Job Description
1. Leadership
· Working in team with the other Elder in the decision making process and implementation
· Responsible for promoting vision and implementing strategy
· Make final decisions, after consultation, on all important matters including values and working of church structures.
· Responsibility to the training and discipleship of leaders and ministries.
· Reinforce our foundational teaching and main thrust of Restoration, Covenant, Kingdom
· Work with outside agencies such as Police & Probation Services with members of the church who need help or monitoring and on issues of safeguarding.
· Appoint leaders, ministries, deacons, helps and those on boards of Christian agencies i.e. Street Pastors, School Pastors, Foodbank, Christians Together for Chesterfield.
· Responsible for the setting up of teams in all departments such as Stewarding, Pastoral, Finance.
· Responsible for initiating evangelistic events and outreach and other events such as social and fellowship gatherings
· Responsible to assess church people and create what suits and promotes growth and maturity.
· Responsible for Sunday meetings and Home Groups.
· Produce preaching and worship leader’s rotas and help train these ministries.
· Personally involved with Sunday meetings, operating in your gifting whether that is preaching /worship leading /preparation and presentation of notices and announcements. (We have a good team of preachers and worship leaders who are a great support)
· At times teaching in groups such as home groups, Alpha, Zoom meetings.
· Lead or organise a leader for Prayer Meetings.
· Work with and meet with Apostolic Team that gives oversight.
· Leadership in setting out safe practices in all areas of ministry including monitoring, safe spaces and dual ministry.
2. Pastoral
· Believe in restoration for all, treating everyone with compassion, grace and understanding while encouraging people they have hope and can win through.
· Responsible for the oversight of a pastoral team and bringing any training.
· Making sure every person in the church links in with a pastoral ministry (which may be a home group leader) they can go to for help and support.
· General Pastoral Ministry such as birthday cards, flowers for special events, communication.
· Specific Pastoral Ministry, practical support for people living through difficult times such as relationship breakdown, bereavement, mental health or physical health difficulties and financial issues.
· Pray for people.
· Help financially where possible
· Take weddings, funerals, dedications - all the important moments for people and their families.
· Whilst being firm on the non-negotiables of our faith, promote understanding and acceptance of difference in belief, opinion and character.
· Promote harmony and unity, encourage good relationships and when necessary mediate, diffuse a situation and if possible bring a win-win to move forward together.
3. Administration
· Responsibility to work with PA/Administrator to set out role and work needs ahead which is shared work together.
· Once strategy has been decided, detailed step by step implementation to achieve the goal.
· Work with Administrator on all events, evangelism, meeting set up, rotas, advertising, printing, stewards etc.
4. Finance
· Along with the Treasurer and Trustees responsible for the financial stability of the church and to plan accordingly.
· Responsibility that a high proportion of money spent is towards our primary purpose (the work of the church).
· Responsibility for long term strategy and budget.
· Make all long term financial decisions in communication and discussion with the Trustees.
· Make all day to day financial decisions maintaining regular communication with the Treasurer.
· At present, as a small church, we feel that it is best to use money where it is most needed rather than giving a departmental budget. Any new leader may introduce a different stategy.
· Prepare Annual Financial Review report for the Charities Commission.
· Make sure all expenditure is recorded and sent to the Treasurer.
We are North Derbyshire New Life Church Ignite with communities meeting in Chesterfield and Alfreton who share the same vision, beliefs and resources for the benefit of all. It is such a blessing when we work together in unity, sharing manpower, ministry and skill sets i.e. preachers, teachers, musicians, singers, together in fellowship and social activities. Once a month the two communities come together on a Sunday morning to enjoy dynamic worship and word as one body.
1. Leadership
We believe that the church needs to have input and oversight from an Apostle who has a heart for the church, a world-wide vision & influence.
In regard to church leadership the Elders are God’s delegated authority to the church who lead by serving with humility, kindness, encouragement and grace. There are many people who serve in roles within the church, however there are deacons who have been appointed to support the elders and to head up areas within the church such as the Pastoral Team.
2. Ministries
The ministries to the church are Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers. The Elder may have multiple ministry and skills and is expected to be able to teach but it is also important to have a pastor’s heart caring as a shepherd/parent to the flock/family.
We have a great mix of male and female preachers, worship leaders, musicians and singers plus Home Group Leaders which is a great blessing.
3. Meetings
We enjoy meeting together on Sundays and midweek in smaller groups in homes. We have both in person home group meetings during the day or in the evening and also on Zoom. Church in the home is full of life and as the name suggests it is more than just teaching but all of church life expressed through the home.
Like any happy family we like being with one another. We meet for teaching, prayer and worship but also fun social events, meals and special occasions any of which can also be evangelistic events.
When we come together in worship, leaders and musicians seek the Holy Spirit’s direction in their planning. Our meetings are also flexible and spontaneous because we value contributions from people. It is great to hear people praying from the heart, reading scripture as prompted by the Holy Spirit, prophesying or testifying to the goodness of God in their lives.
We break bread regularly to remember and celebrate Jesus in our Sunday morning meetings but also in church in the home. This can be initiated and led by all believers without the need for oversight from a leader.
4. Giving
We believe in tithes, regular offering and almsgiving. We take an offering weekly during our Sunday meeting which goes towards the work of the church. Many people also tithe from their income which enables the church to have a paid Leadership and Administrator. Others are involved in almsgiving or secret giving to bless and encourage those in need. We have a generous hearted people who give spontaneously towards appeals for those in need both locally and worldwide.
We have a finance team. The Elders are ultimately responsible for decisions and strategy concerning finance. However they are supported by a Treasurer and a team of Trustees who advise the eldership and take a responsibility for the finances and good working practices.
Teachings / Beliefs
1. The Keys of the Kingdom
Repentance and faith towards God.
The need for everyone to be born again by the Spirit of God
Baptism in Water.
Every believer is encouraged to be baptised in water by full immersion. This can be done by any believer and wherever there is water as a wonderful picture of Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection. People can be baptised at any age as long as they are believers.
Baptism in the Holy Spirit
People are encouraged to be baptised in the Spirit, a life changing experience and to use the gifts of the Spirit given by God i.e. prophecy, speaking in tongues, miracles etc.
2. Significant Teachings
The Importance of the Church as the Body of Christ
God’s chosen vessel to advance Kingdom of God and the covenant relationship that binds us together.
The Importance of Restoration
God is a God of restoration seeking to restore individuals, mankind, the Church and our world.
The Importance of the Kingdom
The ultimate aim is to see the kingdoms of this world become the Kingdom of our Lord and his Christ, that we might see the final triumph of the Kingdom and the return of Christ.
God is restoring the Church so that she can spread the Kingdom rule of God and hasten the return of Christ.
Summary of New Life Values
Family not business
Carry our own burdens and others
Promote unity and a sense of belonging
Promote ownership of what we are building and partnership
Promote and facilitate friendship through team work, fun and social activities
Togetherness… church is more than just a Sunday meeting. Partnership means actively participating
in the life of the church.
Servanthood. Everyone can have a role and play their part in some way.
Individual responsibility for personal growth.
Have an evangelistic heart
Be outward looking. We are involved with Street Pastors, School Pastors, Foodbanks and Ukrainian Refugee socials and support Baby Basics, Pathways, Hope House, Ashgate Hospice, Watoto African Choir Uganda, Baby Watoto, Compassion, Tear Fund, Aid to Ukraine, Bible College in South Africa.
In summary we desire the church to be restored so we can advance the Kingdom of God and see the return of Christ.
Restored not just to New Testament standards but way beyond to God’s original intention.
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common.
Acts 2: 42-44 sums up the dynamic life we seek to promote: Christ- centred, God conscious attitude, a family not an organisation, people who belong rather than just attend and who are outward looking. A people determined to see the world around us transformed and as described in Isaiah to be those restoring and repairing our communities to be safe places to live in.
Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins
and will raise up the age-old foundations;
you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls,
Restorer of Streets with Dwellings. (Isaiah 58:12)
May His Kingdom come and may His will be done on Earth as it is in heaven!