[http://]Powering up For 2021 - By Marc Marques

The LORD gives His people strength; the LORD blesses His people with peace. Psalm 29:11

Thanks for your partnership with UNiViDA in 2020. Having you on our side was a reminder of God’s love and care for the hurting children in Fortaleza, Brazil.

The year brought unprecedented challenges to our lives individually and collectively and with those challenges came many lessons. We learned how much we need each other’s physical presence, and how much we take for granted when society is healthy and communities function well together. We learned that we all have a contribution to make, no matter how small. Whether it’s a smile, a word of encouragement, a kind gesture or a listening ear, we need to affirm each other when life goes well and even more so in the difficult times.

UNiViDA would not be moving forward into 2021 without you. I urge you to continue this journey with us as we begin a difficult but hopeful new year. Thank you for your partnership, prayers and commitment to bringing life, hope and opportunity to children living in the slums of Brazil.

This year we plan to see more miracles and milestones as we restore education and hope in our community.

We pray especially for everyone in the UK who has been impacted by COVID-19 and send you our love and encouragement as you continue through these difficult days and weeks.

http://]Heartbreaking Steps Backwards

At the beginning of 2020, our students were in school full time. Some are now beginning 2021 working on the streets. Scenes like these remind us of when we first started working with street children, 30 years ago. It’s heart-breaking to see such a reversal.

This year UNiViDA will be focused on getting these children back into a safe learning environment.

[http://]Change of Address

This Spring we are literally moving down the road. If you do plan on posting anything to UNiVIDA in the future please note our small change of address from 55 High Street just down the road to number 7. There is a postcode change too.

Anne Salway continues to be our office administrator and we are so thankful for her dedication and support even through these logistically challenging times! Email:

Our New Address is:

7 High Street, Staple Hill
BS16 5HA

[http://]Food Aid

Our final food distribution of 2020 was appreciated more than ever. As our students came into the project to collect their packages we played Christmas music and took family photos.
The photos we received from children as they took their food back home, remind us of the difficult living conditions of the slums.

[http://]Latest Update re. COVID-19

During the Christmas period the Governor of Fortaleza extended a city wide decree limiting the gathering of social groups and the late opening of bars and restaurants. Public schools are not yet permitted to return to classes but teachers have been told to prepare for the start of the academic year. Teachers have been told that they will be prioritized when COVID-19 vaccines become available.

[http://]Registration and COVID-19 Adaptions

We have now completed our student registration process for 2021. We are planning a staggered return for years 2 to 9.
We need to clean and decorate classrooms and buy school supplies ready for students to return. Government requirements also mean that we will need disposable masks, screen separators and other COVID-19 prevention materials. There are also a few repairs that need to be done.

[http://]Solar Power

The challenges of 2020 have not stopped us from thinking about the future. Last November we removed the old roof of our classroom block and installed new fiber cement tiles which are stronger and more heat resistant than the previous tiles.

During the Christmas period, our order of solar panels was driven from a factory in the south of Brazil, over 2,700 miles to Fortaleza, arriving safely on the 4th January.
Installation began the very next day and we are looking forward to switching on the panels and our fully integrated power grid very soon. We are producing all the electricity we need. The new roof will also bring a much needed improvement to the quality of our upstairs classrooms which will be significantly cooler.

Keep Us Updated

Finally, an appeal to you. We want to keep our system updated for collecting Gift Aid and keeping in touch.
Please let us know if you change your address, phone number or email, so that we can update our records. Drop us an email at:


