With all the negative news surrounding us as we continue to be in a pandemic, I was prompted by God to share GOOD NEWS.

Jesus is Lord and is seated at the right hand of God the Father and the Holy Spirit is interceding for us, guiding and upholding us.

As Peter said a few weeks ago “We have a bright hope for the future.”

When I was a teenager-Donkeys years ago (Ha Ha)- A new bible came out in print called ‘Good News for modern man’ As the title suggests it recognises that the bible is GOOD NEWS! I would encourage you to keep reading that good news(the word of God), keep singing the good news(many praise and worship songs directly declare the word of God) and keep learning about the good news (engaging in the high quality preaching and teaching we are signposting every week).

Here are some of the amazing things that have been happening in September.

  • Nick and Bev have had a socially distanced McMillan fundraiser in their street. They raised £815 !!! It has bought the neighbours closer and they are saying ”What are we doing next?” not “What are you doing next?”

  • Hannah Leighton is raising awareness of the appeal for hygiene supplies at the Moria refugee camp partially destroyed by fire and is collecting items.

  • We have welcomed three newcomers and their children into our Church family- HALLELUJAH!

  • We have been able to provide tablets (mini laptops) so that as many people as possible can take part in our zoom church meetings and access all the preaching.

  • Jane Jones took part in the Sparkle walk with three friends and so did Maureen, Leslie and Val. Between them all they raised around £1,000 for Ashgate Hospice.

  • The Hub has undergone extensive refurbishment (£40.000 worth) funded by Fortem trainees. Toby Perkins has visited, and it has now been relaunched and is operating under covid guidelines. Please continue to pray for all the great work that goes on there. You can access the website

  • Our Sunday zoom gatherings are now hosted there under social distancing and are going from strength to strength. Thank you to all who have worked tirelessly to make this happen!

  • We have seen the miraculous healing of Paul who we got to know through contact with The Hub. He was diagnosed with covid and recovered. He was then diagnosed with Sepsis and was told he would lose both his legs. He has made a full recovery from the Sepsis and was at The Hub last week. Isn’t that GOOD NEWS!

I am sure there are many more GOOD NEWS stories to tell. Pass the good news onto your friends, neighbours and family. Our God is a good God.

I am praying for you all.

Love Alison.




Sunday 13th September