A Sobering Year In Fortaleza Even before the pandemic, 2020 did not start well in Fortaleza. During a 13 day strike by Military Police in February, murder rates hit a staggering average of 26 per day. Since then, recorded homicides have doubled from this time last year. In 2020, Fortaleza has registered some of the highest levels of inflation in the country. Between January and September, food prices have climbed by over 9%. With an already weakened economy the state of Ceara has recorded increases in extreme poverty for the last three consecutive years.

The COVID-19 pandemic hit the slums of Brazil very hard, spreading rapidly through densely populated neighbourhoods. People were confused and desperate as they were told not to go to work. Along with the virus, fear, hunger and anger spread through the streets. People were frightened to go to the hospital if they were sick and they didn’t know how to get access to basic foods and medicines.

Eventually some government support was offered but people had to queue for hours at banks to receive a small welfare payment. One of the saddest consequences for UNiViDA has been the loss of focus on education. During these desperate times, children have been tasked with cooking, cleaning, looking after siblings and informal work, to make ends meet. Sadly criminal activities have continued during the pandemic and organized factions have continued to terrorize the community. At home, children have been even more exposed to gang activities, and at risk of abuse. Some of our students who were initially keeping in touch with us online, are now communicating less. Keeping up our daily messages of encouragement to children and parents will remain a top priority for UNiViDA.

Since it is now unlikely that public schools will be allowed to open before the end of the year, children will have to wait until February 2021 at the earliest, before they can be back in a school environment. The University of Life still does not have permission from the local authorities to re-start normal activities. When we do gradually begin classes in person, children will need a lot of extra support.

Remember João? February 2020 must seem like a distant memory to João, that’s when he started at The University of Life. Even then it took us a few weeks before we saw his eyes light up and a smile spread across his face. João was abandoned by his parents and is being raised by Edilson who has adopted him. When they received a food parcel from UNiViDA, they had been without food for two weeks. Thanks to your support Joao has now also received a learning pack with activities to keep him busy at home. Thanks for making a difference


