So that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone.

(Titus 3,8)

Dear Mission Friends,

New: Online – 18. “Rays of Joy“ Conference

The leaders and workers of our ministry “Rays of Joy” in India met daily from 19- 24 October via Zoom, under the theme “Imitating their Faith” (Hebr.6,12 + 13,7). In the evening the messages, with a Hindi translation by Renuka, could be heard from Germany on YouTube.

These were anointing-laden messages that moved everyone deeply and inspired them anew. We felt so much more connected to each another again. Also, an unexpected emphasis was a call to imitate the examples of the founder and missionaries of ROJ as well.

We here applaud our staff, Nico and Dennis, who labored to provide such a good quality of streams on our YouTube channel "Rays of Joy Ministries".

Church Planters share during the Conference

Although church meetings have been closed for months, the Lord's work is still in full swing. The pastors use the media facilities for the times of praise, prayer or Bible study. Many miracles have happened over the phone, and everyone reports that the church has continued to grow.

Financially, they have seen many answers to prayers from God's provision. They are overwhelmed with thanks to our donors for the relief fund that brought them through for more than 5 months.

From Orphans to staff: Weddings of two brothers

In the last letter we mentioned the wedding of Raju, and indeed this is taking place while I write these lines. But we were surprised by Girish, his older brother, who also grew up in the children's home, studied and became a staff member in the mission office on Sharonsthan. He was married on 11 Nov to Garima, who also serves the Lord, and they now live in Sharonsthan. We are grateful for the opportunity to raise these orphans for over 19 years. Thank you also faithful sponsors who made this possible.

Next Step for Sharonsthan

A new children’s project is to be set up in Sharonsthan – a “Day Care Centre”. Here poorer children will receive, on a daily basis, important support for school and holistic development.

We also planning Children's Days and Children's Camps as part of the programme, as soon as possible, so that we can regularly bring together and provide our “sponsored children” with spiritual and creative activities.

Children’s Centre, Delhi – new sponsors needed

This successful project has been running for 5 years, but the church in Delhi, which has provided for about 30 children from the nearby slum, is no longer financially able to do this. We now want to cover the costs by sponsoring all these children. These are new opportunities for sponsorship, at £18/month for a child's scholarship.

Children’s Home News

• Progress in Bhopal: the floors in the hall and the rooms were all tiled. Clean business!

• In Jagdalpur a meeting was held with all the parents who come from slums or from small villages. They received information and clarification on the situation so that they can make a positive contribution.

• The girls who go to secondary school were given new bicycles.

Greeting Cards will come but with delay

Unfortunately, due to all the difficult circumstances of our times, our children's greeting cards, which are sent to their sponsors every year, will not work out as usual. But stay tuned, and hopefully most of you will receive mail, but only after the start of the New Year.

Participating actively

· Become part of the mission family. Your donation** or sponsorship is a good investment.

· Christmas gifts: send your donation** with the note "Christmas for ROJ Children India"

· Pray for opening of the school; supply for our workers in the field; possibility of flights to India.

· Pray for young pastors who are building churches from scratch.

It's great to have you. You are interested in this news and eager to pray for the staff on the front line. Children, churches and we, also, are grateful to you for your faithful service.

Yours faithfully

Ralph and Renuka Gloeckner

You can watch us on YouTube channel:

Rays of Joy Ministries (English & also Hindi)

Missionswerk Strahlen der Freude (German)

** UK donations to be sent, and made payable, to Help International at Nettle Hill, Brinklow Road, Ansty, Coventry CV7 9JL. Be sure to identify them as being for ROJ children!


