
New Life Church

New Life Church meets in three locations on Sunday mornings: Chesterfield, Alfreton and Stretton. Once a month we celebrate with a whole church meeting bringing everyone together for a vibrant time of worship and to hear God's word to us. These are always great times and there is such a sense of anticipation of what God will do amongst us as we gather together.

We are an active family church who love worshipping God, learning from the Bible, serving and having fun together and we trust our programme reflects that.

For more information about a church meeting or event or if you would like to have a chat about church contact us on 01246 200768.

Alpha Course

We regularly run Alpha courses and it's a great way to find out all about Christianity and what Christians believe. It's a relaxed friendly evening beginning with a meal, followed by a short talk and finishing with some discussion. You can ask loads of questions or just sit and listen, it's up to you.

The introductory session will give you a feel for the rest of the course so you can decide if it is for you. Contact Dave on 01246 200768 to book your place on our next Alpha.

Home Groups

As well as our regular Sunday meetings, we meet in smaller groups in homes across our area during the week. It's a great place to get to know people better so we can pray with each other and offer support.

We may have Bible studies, worship, break bread, might share a meal or just have some fun together! Contact us if you would be interested in joining a home group in your area.



