In 1 Corinthians 14, just after that beautiful explanation of what love is like in chapter 13, Paul encourages the church not to come together for what it can get but with a heart to give, share and encourage, to build one another up. He says everyone can bring something to bless and encourage the church. No excuses, 'everyone' means you and me too!
That's what Dave is looking for this week. Could you share a testimony that shows God's goodness? Or could you bring some scripture that has meant something special to you? Have you been encouraged and could you share that to encourage others? It's not a time to showcase yourself, it's an opportunity to declare the goodness of our God which will encourage others to put their trust in him.
Can't think of anything? Well, now's the time to pray in that case:
Father God, you are amazing and no one compares to you. I want to declare your goodness to the church this Sunday. Please will you give me a special scripture or a testimony to share so I can build the church by being an encourager. Thank you. Amen