This is the latest news from Andrew following his mission to Mexico. There are some terrific testimonies of the miracles that God did during this visit so please take some time to read it all. Andrew will be back with us in 2017 - watch this space for details.
Our ministry began working with a church based in the town of Taretan. This church has experienced real growth in recent months and had planted another church in a nearby town. It was in this town that we ministered in on our first day. This town was totally unreached by the gospel until a few weeks ago with the only churches being Catholic. Meeting in an outdoor stadium, many in the town will have heard the gospel as Andrew preached on “There Is Power In The Name Of Jesus” Dozens and dozens of people were gloriously born again, sick bodies were healed and many encountered the Holy Spirit. The following night we ministered in the main church in Taretan and once again we saw dozens respond to the gospel. On both nights a strange phenomenon took place. With the weather being warm and sunny, the very moment the crowd began to come forward for salvation the heavens opened and it began to rain heavy. This continued throughout the ministry time as people had to shout over the sound of rain to say the prayer of salvation. Once the meeting ended, so did the rain! It was a true supernatural sign that God was bringing the rains of revival!
Our first Sunday saw Andrew speaking at a large church in Patzcuaro. We had a glorious move of God in both services with so many giving their lives to Jesus. The evening service in particular was so powerful as people encountered God and received healing without anyone laying hands on them.
Returning to Uruapan we spoke in a gathering of two churches that came together and saw a large response to the gospel. We then returned to Morelia the following day for another meeting with pastors and leaders and then ministered at a church in the evening. This service was an incredible outpouring of the Holy Spirit and certainly the sound of revival was in the air! Following this service, Pastor Barry returned home. Barry had spoken in several services separate to Andrew during the trip as God opened up so many doors we were able to split the team.
This was a glorious trip where God opened up so many doors and demonstrated His power in such mighty ways. We thank God for all those who prayed for us and we look forward to returning to Mexico in the future.
Mexico 2016 Mission Report
In September 2016 Generation Builders ministered for two weeks in the nation of Mexico. This was our second trip to this nation and we once again partnered with Pastor Salomon Valdez of the Revival Christian Centre in Uruapan. Evangelist Andrew Murray (Generation Builders) travelled with Pastor Barry Ogdon (International Church, Tirana, Albania); Rachel Mallender (Bridlington); Helen Gill and Lillian Wamare (Hull).

As well as the meetings in Taretan we also ministered to a group of pastors and leaders. This was a group so hungry for God’s presence and we saw God move powerfully among them. We then held two days of services in Pastor Salomon’s church in Uruapan. We held a revival service, an evangelistic service and a meeting for leaders. Again souls were saved, sick bodies were healed and also demons were cast out.

xMoving into our second week Andrew spent two days at a church in the large city of Morelia. This was a church that had gone through terribly tragedy with the death two years previous of the founding pastor. God really helped use the team to bring healing and restoration to this church and its leaders. Andrew also spoke to a group of pastors and leaders in the city in a very large mega-church and many were in tears as he spoke on the “Spirit of Adoption: Raising sons and daughters”.

Our final weekend was spent in the town of Zamora where we ministered for Pastor David Rice holding two church services and a meeting for pastors. Once again souls came to Christ and people were refreshed by the Holy Spirit. Our final service was in a small rural community where God’s fire really fell. After the service God had one final miracle as a prostitute met us outside the church and was delivered from demons and gave her life to Christ.