New Life Church

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Yes NLC Chesterfield are back at the Winding Wheel from this Sunday (14th September) and we are celebrating in style with a visit from The Evidence from Teen Challenge UK.

The first ever Chesterfield Marathon is also on this Sunday. There will be a knock on effect for us as many of the roads around the Winding Wheel will be closed first thing in the morning and opening up again through the morning from 9am onwards. To allow for a bit of extra travelling time we will start the meeting at 11am tomorrow.

Please go the extra mile (literally!) to be there.  Your reward will be an excellent time with the Teen Challenge team and lunch together afterwards.  We will provide jacket potatoes but if you would like to bring something to go with them or a dessert that would be great.  Plates and cutlery will be provided.

Diversions will be in place but if you can approach from Brimimgton side of town, towards the railway station, and come to the car park behind the WW that way you shouldn't have any problems. Hopefully by the time we've had lunch the roads will pretty much be clear.

Ben is running the half marathon for charity - please pray!