New Life Church

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We began this morning in worship and Dave told three stories of people in the Bible who gave what they had to help others - the widow and the coins that she put in the offering though it was all she had; the boy who gave up his lunch so Jesus could do a miracle and feed 5,000 and from the parable, the good Samaritan who used what he had to help the man he found.  When we give from what we have to help others God's blessing is bound to follow.

But even as Dave was speaking he could tell that we all really wanted to do was get packing shoeboxes!  So we did, some wrapping the boxes while others chose items to go inside and all making a card to put inside to carry a special message from us.  The videos we saw show how much these shoeboxes mean to the children who receive them and we pray each one will be a blessing to a child.  See more pictures from Chesterfield this Sunday on our facebook page.