New Life Church

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My heart breaks for friends in Ukraine who have woke to the sound of sirens and bomb blasts this morning šŸ˜¢

Seeing this photo of Ukrainians praying together in the snow makes me so sad! Putin really has made an unjustified, evil attack on Ukraine bringing fear and devastation, and yet we know our friends have strong faith in Jesus despite sufferings, some are extending prayers for the safety of not only their own people but also their russian civilian neighbours šŸ˜¢

I remember when me and Josh visited Kiev to help teach at the YWAM base a few years ago. We were met with such love and hospitality during thanksgiving, and enjoyed our time there. The city was very quiet and the people peaceful. The YWAMers work with vulnerable children in that city also and it is a beautiful ministry. We also have Ukrainian friends here in Liverpool who have been working hard to bless people in this city!

We stand with you in prayer today friends, for protection, for Godā€™s angels to surround you and keep you. For discernment, wisdom, strength and peace.

We pray for God to redeem this situation by drawing many people to Himself. May Ukrainians and Russians discover that Jesus is the only true source of love, peace, safety, truth and freedom. The Kingdom He spoke about is not of power struggles, pride, violence and domination, but of humility, servanthood, love, peace.

YWAM Ukraine has also evacuated some workers, and others have relocated to Western Ukraine, closer to the Polish border. Pray for them too. Refugees are also coming from other parts of Ukraine and a large influx is expected in Western Ukraine and Poland.

I want to leave you with this encouragement friends; that we are standing with you, and we are praying for you. Have courage and take heart that when Jesus returns to rule and reign, which we know from the Bible will come to pass, it will be a Kingdom more beautiful than anything this world have ever seen!

Some rulers in this world have operated from a place of selfish gain, allowing the devil to use them for demonic assignments, but take heart! God is with you making streams in the dessert, and He will return as King of all kings and Lord of all. In that day he will judge the whole world, living and dead, and trample satan and evil works under foot forever. In that day there will be no more suffering, pain, death, war, evil, because there will only be the light of Jesus and His love. The hope we have in eternity will be heaven on earth ā¤ļø

Love you dear friends, wish we could hug you!

ā€œPeace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraidā€ Jesus ~ John 14 vs 25 ~

Amy Faith Morley (from her Facebook page)