New Life Church

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       Esther -  Are we all BeautIful?  

Think of all the good things that have happened through Lockdown . Getting to know neighbours, cleaning out that cupboard, time to go for walks , clean air, amazing spring flowers. Sure you can think of loads.

Story of Esther
This is one of my favourite stories in the bible. It’s got drama, intrigue , gory bits and a happy ending. More importantly Esther was ordinary but God had plans for her , like he has for you and me and she was faithful and God was able to place her in a position where he could use her . Basically although noted for her beauty Esther was just an ordinary girl and her start in life was poor . We know she was orphaned and adopted by her uncle who was from a family of exiles. She was just like us.

*Esther 5 v 14b “ you have come to your royal position for a time such as this”

This has been on my mind for days now and it has taken some prayer before I realised what God was saying.
God has over the past months and maybe years put us in a position “ for a time such as this” It may be where we can be looked after, where we have fresh air and a garden to appreciate, where we have people to witness to. The important thing is that God knew what was going to happen and had it all in control. He IS in control.

*Esther was technically in Lockdown . She was prevented from seeing her people and her uncle as she was locked in the palace for three years . She was well treated and given beauty treatments. She could enjoy the beautiful surroundings of the palace. Isn’t that what we are doing in our homes and gardens? Exercising, eating well and enjoying our surroundings?

*Esther stayed faithful and obedient even though the stakes were high and she could have lost her own life by daring to speak out. She was afraid but trusted God

*Esther 5v16 she asked her uncle to gather people together and fast and pray . She also did this with her attendants. I am not a big fan of fasting as I love food (any and lots) but sometimes we are required to do it. Jesus often fasted and prayed and told us to do it.  She fasted and prayed before acting.

What can we learn from this?
Esther was just like us. She was beautiful on the outside but more important she was beautiful on the inside. She was faithful and obedient. We may not be what the world sees as a beauty queen , especially at the moment, but to God we are beautiful. We should pray that we have the courage and grace to stay beautiful on the inside .. obedient and faithful.

The situation we are in is all part of Gods plan. As I have said many times He is in control and He does know what He’s doing and He is doing something even if we can not see it.

As much as we long for it to end we should not wish our lives away. We should seek out and enjoy the good things that each day in Lockdown has to offer. God has positioned us “ for such a time as this”.      

We may even enjoy the beauty treatments !