We have 24/7 curfew since 19th March. It’s a total lock down here as the Government and the security forces are in an all out effort to prevent the spread. Mostly because if there’s a huge number of infected people our health system though very effective may not be able cope.
During this time, although food is available, many have lost income through the lock down and so therefore food is hard to come by. I have therefore been busy coordinating and helping to provide and deliver food to those in need. As a church community we have also made a massive effort to keep the airways filled with hourly prayer during the day hours. We’ve enlisted prayer from everyone, including the young children to the elderly. We have prayed daily and kept the UK our hearts as we pray.
Rainbow house looks after many children who have been orphaned. They are put in family units and each unit has a mum and dad to look after the children in their care, During the COVID-19 pandemic as a result of the lock down the children in Rainbow House, have been locked in the grounds for over a month now but have survived the ordeal, are happy and I am happy to report are doing well.