There are four main arenas of life: friendships, finance, self and career, and in each one men will face uncertainties or difficulties that can test our integrity, resilience and character. But God has called us to live our lives with perseverance, to run the race set before us and to run to win.

In the Arena is a men’s event where we will share with you helpful strategies to strengthen and empower you. Discover the importance of preparation and training that enables you to survive the tough times that can affect your most important relationships, work and inner or spiritual life.
Join Philip Jinadu and Gerrit Bantjes as they explore practical drills that will help you through everyday life.
The speakers
Our speakers are both great communicators but speak from different life experiences.
Meet Philip! He leads Woodlands Metro, a thriving and energetic city church that meets in the heart of Bristol. He is the founder and director of Love Running, an innovative charity that encourages ordinary people to ‘get fit, get friends and change the world’.

Meet Gerrit! Gerrit has been a British Army paratrooper and fitness coach to Cardiff Rugby Club. Now, he works full-time for Care for the Family. He is also a husband and father with real compassion and understanding of life’s highs and lows.
You will come away discovering:
- The importance of key male friendships.
- The importance of accountability.
- How to develop a world class attitude.
- How Jesus exemplifies perfectly our pattern for manhood.
Book early through New Life Church to get a special partner rate of £4. Tickets at the door £7